“Take me to Stirling’s…”

Legend has it that if you step in to a London cab and say, simply, “Take me to Stirling’s,” then you will be conveyed thither to Mayfair, and the mews residence which Sir Stirling Moss calls home. This morning I was privileged to have an appointment with Stirling to interview him for my next book, so I thought I’d put this legend to the test.

In the great tradition of Apple advertising (“Some sequences shortened”) we’ll flash past the bit where I leave my phone at home and nearly miss the train to London. Let’s begin at the taxi rank outside Waterloo station on a grey and chilly February morning.

“Take me to Stirling’s please.”



“You wot, Guv?”

“Stirling Moss’s house.”

“Where’s that, then?”

Thus was another panel stitched into life’s rich tapestry of small disappointments. Still, at least he didn’t say, “I had that Michael Jackson in the back the other week…”

I undertook the last part of the journey on foot and was shivering by the time I reached the door.

“My dear chap,” said Stirling, “you should stand in the loo for a few minutes. It’s much warmer in there.”

So Mrs Lady Moss decanted me into their beautifully toasty ground floor facility for a few moments before popping back with a steaming mug of tea. This all had a suitably restorative effect and the interview proceeded according to plan.

So, yes, a bit of an odd start to an interview, but not as strange as the time Gary Numan walked into the room carrying a bowl of Doritos and said, “Nibbles?”

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  • Comments (9)
  1. Ooooh… Stirling always has something awesome to share. When will we get to read the interview? :)

    • mr. c.
    • February 8th, 2010

    i can’t wait for your autobiography :)

    • Stuart C
    • February 8th, 2010

    The interview will be part of my second book – owing to the glacial pace of book publishing, I’m afraid you won’t get to see it until this time next year…

    • Stuart C
    • February 8th, 2010

    @mr. c.
    Regrettably the title “It Beats Working” has already been used!

  2. Sir Stirl’s house is, without doubt, the greatest place to conduct an interview on earth.

    Tell me Codders, does he still use his race winning trophies to hold brazil nuts and pot pouri, and his Autosport lifetime achievement award as his living room door stop?


    • Stuart C
    • February 8th, 2010

    I was ushered into SSM’s office after my brief sojourn in the loo, so I can’t confirm that is Autosport gong is used thus. Potpourri? You may well be right!
    There were lots of model cars, etc, which I was concentrating very hard on not knocking over. Let’s not forget the dumb waiter, which if memory serves was designed by Patrick Head…

    • Steven Roy
    • February 8th, 2010

    Let’s not forget the dumb waiter, which if memory serves was designed by Patrick Head…

    Not sure about the dumb waiter but the lift has a designed by Williams plaque on it.

  3. Stuart: Lady Moss, surely …

    • Stuart C
    • February 11th, 2010


    Utterly. I’ve now fixed it (see above).


    Sir Stirling does have a very good book out at the moment. Whereas I can’t even remember what I had for lunch any day last week, SM has admirable recall (and the foresight to keep notes), and the result is All My Races.

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